A step-by-step guide to writing your first guest post - Jobidea24 - Learn Everyday New

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Sunday, August 28, 2022

A step-by-step guide to writing your first guest post

A step-by-step guide to writing your first guest post

Your blog may be full of great content...but it will only do you a little good if you have readers.

One of the best ways to attract readers to your blog is to write guest posts on great and relevant blogs. Not only does this get your name and writing in front of people, but it also helps your ranking on Google (because you'll get a link to your site from a high PageRank blog).

You may need to find out where to start if you've never guest-posted. Here is your step-by-step guide:

Step #1: Choose Your Target Blog

Some bloggers come up with an idea and write their post, then find a blog that fits. But choosing your target blog first is more helpful, as it will influence everything from your initial idea to your writing style.

A good destination blog is large, on topic, and welcomes guest posts (for example, you've seen other people's posts on this blog).

Step #2: Write your guest post

When you write your guest post, keep in mind the guidelines of your target blog. (Most major blogs will have guidelines for guest posts - try using the search box to find them if they need to be more obvious.)

Make your guest post focused and helpful. Please give it a clear structure (intro, main body, conclusion), and try to write it in the same style your target blog uses.

Step 3: Carefully edit your post

Allow plenty of time to edit your post. You can also print it out so you can read it on paper. Ensure the post flows well; you may need to rearrange sentences or paragraphs to make your ideas flow more clearly.

Watch out for awkward phrases or unclear sentences, spelling, and typos. Ask a friend to proofread the post for you so that you can give them some feedback.

Step 4: Add your bio

Finally, remember to add a bio. This is one or two texts about you, usually written in the third person (for example, check out the last words of this post, which starts with Ali Luke…).

It's a good idea to tell readers who you are (e.g., "John Smith is an avid gardener...") and the link to a specific resource on your blog. It could be a free ebook, a great publication, or a special landing page designed for them. Don't just link to your main URL because more is needed to encourage many people to click on your link.

So there you have it: a perfect guest post. It's as simple as that! Why not research today and find the perfect target blog for your first guest post?

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